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Pigeon and Pumkin Salad with Sherry Cult Vinegar Dressing

Sweet, Crown Prince pumpkin; warm iron red pigeon; and the sharp depth of sherry vinegar are as near a perfect match as you can get. 

Chop up a Crown Prince pumpkin. Simmer in a stock with some celery and fennel seeds. Once soft, blitz, season and add some butter so it becomes a purée. Make sure it is smoother than a silk worm's silk purse.

In the meantime chop another chunk of the same pumpkin into regular dice sized cubes and then roast for 25 minutes until tender with a few cloves of garlic and plenty of seasoning. 

Then, simply sear some well seasoned pigeon breasts in a furiously hot pan in some ghee. You'll need two breasts per person. Deglaze with a good slug of sherry vinegar and a knob of butter. This will emulsify and become one of the tastiest sauces ever made.

While the pigeon is resting mix together a glug of good olive oil with some live sherry Cult Vinegar in a jar. 1 part vinegar to 3 parts oil is the classic guide - but I find more vinegar is better, but I would say that. Let your taste buds decide. Finally, add some seasoning and then shake. Drizzle this over the salad leaves.

Dress the plates with the salad leaves, pumpkin puree, pumpkin cubes, sliced pigeon breasts, walnuts and dressing. Sprinkle over some salt.

Enjoy with a glass of chilled Fino sherry.

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